HTML Files

  • HTML files are inside html directory.
  • They are automatically generated from Mustache templates.
    There is more info about it in the next section.
  • If you want to review HTML page's general layout, you can start with html/empty.html file which has minimal code.
  • Following is an alphabetical list of HTML files inside the template:
    • blank.html
    • buttons.html
    • calendar.html
    • content-slider.html
    • dropzone.html
    • elements.html
    • email.html
    • empty.html
    • error-404.html
    • error-500.html
    • faq.html
    • form-elements.html
    • form-elements-2.html
    • form-wizard.html
    • gallery.html
    • grid.html
    • inbox.html
    • index.html
    • invoice.html
    • jqgrid.html
    • jquery-ui.html
    • login.html
    • mobile-menu-1.html
    • mobile-menu-2.html
    • mobile-menu-3.html
    • nestable-list.html
    • pricing.html
    • profile.html
    • tables.html
    • timeline.html
    • top-menu.html
    • two-menu-1.html
    • two-menu-2.html
    • treeview.html
    • typography.html
    • widgets.html
    • wysiwyg.html