First of all I would like to thank you for purchasing Ace admin template.
I hope you like it and find it easy to work with.
This is the 8th release (v1.3.3) and there may be bugs and missing features
which will be resolved in next updates.
Also, this documentation is brief and may be lacking in some parts.
If you think more explanations and examples are needed, just let me know.
Please send your questions, comments, suggestions and bug reports to me at
and I will try to reply as soon as possible.
Best Wishes
Mohsen Hosseini
Ace is a lightweight and feature rich admin template which is clean and easy to use.
Current release comes with the following features:
- 4 different skins
- Responsive design based on Bootstrap 3 (specifically 3.3.1)
- Javascript & CSS builder to build your own minimal files
- Email converter to convert Bootstrap and Ace HTML to table layout appropriate for email clients
- On page help which lets you easily pick any element and see how it works
- Custom elements and plugins including:
- Pure CSS3 checkbox, radio and On/Off switch elements (not available in IE8)
- Custom lightweight scrollbars
- File input control
- Simple color picker
- Customizable widgets in different colors and styles
- Client side saving of user settings such as collapsed sidebar,etc
- Print friendly styles
- Bootstrap, jQuery UI and third party plugins and elements including:
- Charts
- Dynamic tables & grids
- Inline editable feature
- Slider
- Spinner
- Treeview
- Wizard
- Form validation
- Wysiwyg & Markdown editor
- Drag & drop file upload
- Color picker
- Date picker
- DateRange picker
- Time picker
- Colorbox for gallery
- Full calendar
- Tag input
- Chosen selects
- Select2 selects
- Textarea input limiter
- Textarea auto resize
- Masked input
- Typeahead.js
- Nestable hierarchical list
- Growl like notifications
- Imageless spinner
- Star rating plugin
- Dual listbox plugin
- Multiselect plugin
- new PACE progress bars
Note Stylings of most third party elements have been modified to replace external images and icons with CSS and FontAwesome.
This has benefits such as better view on Retina displays as almost no pixel graphics are used and it also means fewer network file requests resulting in faster page load time.
The following list will be added to the template on next updates:
- New features & elements such as :
- Search results
- Tables with details
- File upload and management
- Frontend page templates
- Adding more examples
If you also have a recommendation or feature request, please let me know.