
First of all I would like to thank you for purchasing Ace admin template. I hope you like it and find it easy to work with.

This is the 8th release (v1.3.3) and there may be bugs and missing features which will be resolved in next updates.

Also, this documentation is brief and may be lacking in some parts. If you think more explanations and examples are needed, just let me know.

Please send your questions, comments, suggestions and bug reports to me at and I will try to reply as soon as possible.

Best Wishes
Mohsen Hosseini

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Ace is a lightweight and feature rich admin template which is clean and easy to use.
Current release comes with the following features:

Note Stylings of most third party elements have been modified to replace external images and icons with CSS and FontAwesome.

This has benefits such as better view on Retina displays as almost no pixel graphics are used and it also means fewer network file requests resulting in faster page load time.

Planned Features

The following list will be added to the template on next updates:

If you also have a recommendation or feature request, please let me know.